Supporting COVID vaccination
Please get in touch for further details.
Date of birth and NHS number are barcoded on the COVID MedLinks to allow rapid data entry in vaccine clinics. Patients receive their copy by email to print or scan from mobile device.

COVID Vaccine Consent MedLinks
We have COVID vaccination combined consent MedLink for Pfizer/BioNTech, AstraZeneca and Moderna. Patients have the option to be sent the summary by email, print, sign and bring to appointment.
How does it help?
- Shorter appointments as less time spent on consent
- Ability to fill clinics at short notice, by targeting pre-consented patients
- Fulfilling PSD remotely
- Automatic ethnicity coding (with SystmOne/Docman)
How does it work?
Patients will see a generic COVID vaccine summary as per NHS website. Optional further MHRA patient leaflet for each vaccine. Patients consent/decline to all vaccines. It is explained that no preference can be indicated.
Demo patient view here
Demo completed MedLink here
Adding to the existing COVID vaccine consent MedLinks, we have released one specifically for Health and Social Care Workers.
How does it help?
- Identify and code your eligible patients to gauge numbers
- Same benefits as per consent MedLink.
How does it work?
This can be sent to your working-age patients or made available on the website. It contains clear guidance on eligibility criteria and patients can indicate their relevant job roles and consent, which can be auto-coded back into the record (with Docman/S1).
Demo patient view here
Demo completed MedLink here
Spreadsheet download function
Responses to the COVID combined consent MedLink are now available as a downloadable spreadsheet from the MedLink Manager. Practices can use this to:
- Fulfil the PSD remotely
- Improve vaccine clinic efficiency by filtering patients according to pre-screening questions
- Batch-add codes into clinical system