You can upload your own practice logo, banner, and introduction video to improve patient engagement in your reviews.
Automated enhanced service
You can activate specific services to be offered to your patients. For example, you can enable our NHS weight management enhanced service feature. This will check patient eligibility and offer the service not only when the patient is sent a specific weight MedLink, but whenever a patient enters their weight.
Automated Social Prescribing
Automatically offer social prescribing services to interested patients, by customising a social prescribing module, which can be added to relevant MedLink reviews.
Currently, patients are offered national services for support, such as the national smoking cessation service. Customisation allows you to offer local services to your patients, which is even more tailored to their needs. For example, local alcohol services or smoking cessation clinics.
Save and complete later
Your patients can now start a review and complete this at a later date for their convenience.
Working at scale
Practices are working more collaboratively, and we have built this into our system. For our bulk contracts, customisations can be applied at the individual or group level.
Only with MedLink
We are proud to be the first to offer practice customisation of clinical reviews to patients.