
 We have designed MedLink to integrate with practices’ existing systems. It is compatible with all clinical systems and communication tools. No new software is installed and no new inbox to check, but instead it runs along your existing document workflow. We guide you through the setup and make resources available for your management team to help implementation.

Easy Setup

  • Rapid setup within hours
  • Seamless integration into existing recall and patient communications
  • Implementation tools for management available

How we differ 

  • Bulk messaging compatible
  • No new workflow, software or login

Quality & Control

  • Engage the hard-to-reach
  • QOF ready
  • No promised response time


  • 87% of patients request remote review
  • Coding solutions (see below)
  • Data-processing eg average blood pressure


Automatic coding into the patient record typically requires NHS number identification. This number is not known to most patients and would therefore reduce access. Systems currently offering automatic coding in this way do not offer bulk messaging, which significantly improves recall efficiency. MedLink is working on an automatic coding solution compatible with bulk messaging. Below are current solutions to automate the coding process. 


EMIS Web Template

Download and install a single template covering all MedLinks. Kept up to date with all review updates, and code order matches MedLink summaries for rapid error-free data entry.

SystmOne Scanning Rules

Simple to download and install. SystmOne ‘reads’ incoming documents, identifies the codes present on MedLink summaries, and suggests these codes at the point of filing

EMIS PCS Templates

Simple to download and install. Master template provides access to individual condition templates. Kept up to date with all updates. Template matches MedLink summaries exactly allowing efficient error-free data entry by admin or clinical staff. Ensures data quality.

Docman Coding Task